Mahbubur Rahman Shawon

28 December, 2011

Chat, how to do so

Please wait for an agent to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Sebastian'
Sebastian: Hi there and welcome. My name is Sebastian, how are you today?
ishawon: not bad
Sebastian: good to hear that :)
Sebastian: enjoying the games?
ishawon: can't. coz of no balance
Sebastian: ah
Sebastian: Would you like to hear of an exclusive New Year’s bonus I can give you just for coming into chat with me? : )
ishawon: sure
Sebastian: If you deposit 10 with me I can give you an exclusive 150% New Year’s bonus on this
Sebastian: Which will give you 25 for the price of 10.
Sebastian: How does this sound ?
ishawon: well, but i m confused abt payment
Sebastian: do you have a card?
ishawon: What kind of card.?
Sebastian: a bank card
ishawon: sure, but that is local
Sebastian: it's a visa?
Sebastian: type
ishawon: ya visa, but one currency acceptable
Sebastian: okay
Sebastian: because this should work
Sebastian: if you go to cashier then deposit
Sebastian: then select the card type as visa
Sebastian: then input the information
Sebastian: needed
ishawon: i m from Bangladesh. will my card can be used.?
Sebastian: if it is a visa type of card it should
Sebastian: work please try it
Sebastian: and if there are any problems i will look into it for you
ishawon: well ll try
Sebastian: okay sure :)
Sebastian: just let me know how it goes
ishawon: sry, can't understand what menu to go
Sebastian: go to cashier then deposit
Sebastian: please
Sebastian: then you need to select credit card
Sebastian: then select visa/visa electron
sry. unable to do now, have to leave for urgent work, talk u later and will try soon. thanx: sry, can't do it now, have to leave for urgent work. will try later. thanx
Sebastian: ah okay no problem :)
Sebastian: just ask for me when you come bacjk
Sebastian: *back
Sebastian: Is there anything else I can assist you with? If not, I welcome your feedback on the service you received from me. Please click here to complete our quick survey

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