Mahbubur Rahman Shawon

21 March, 2018

Email to MD sir by explaining everything for visathing

Email to MD sir of VISAThing by explaining everything for visathing at January 30

Its my pleasure to start my carrier at 02 January 18 as a "Digital Marketing Officer" under "YOUR TRIP MATE LTD". From the beginning day of my carrier , according  Ahmad Vaia ordered me to make a plan for Overall digital marketing strategy and told me MD sir will be my immediate reporting boss. And have developed my full plan what covered with special strategies with details what will effective for long run perfectly because I am not on armature level rather then I am professional  . On my interview day & also on Digital Marketing Plan I mentioned  at least 60 to 90 days will be needed for judgement.

Our 1st meeting held on 15th January. After meeting, we discussed 15 mins with 4 persons (Ahmed vaia, Murad vaia, Nayeem , Jabin Apu). I  tried to brief a bit about my plans and I knew Ahmed Vaia going to be reassigned. Then I heard Murad vaia is my reporting boss, so there was a gap of information based relation with others. But I recovered communication with all others. And few other problems occurred as well. As a result I couldn't provide quality services yet, I tried to provide. But I am promising to do my upper level best for YTM. I believe on success what is takeing time.

1 thing I am working for on page optimisation of VISAThing Express right now, & will solved it in 5 days.